TeleToyland Carousel How It Works: Step 1
Step 1: The Carousel
For the Carousel, we cut a 12" circle from some MDF, then drilled some holes for the vertical dowels. We ended up using a standard kitchen lazy susan under that, and used 6 thin magnets to hold them together. We glued the magnets by putting them together in pairs, adding a drop of crazy glue to one side, and gluing it to the lazy susan, then adding a drop of glue to the magnets and placing the carousel on top. Once the glue dried, we were able to remove the carousel easily, and replace it precisely. We marked the two circles to make placement easy.Note that we had originally tried a metal lazy susan bearing, but in testing, it seemed to lock up. Maybe we got some junk in the ball bearings. We did use oil etc. to no avail. So, we went to the local store and found a wood lazy susan in the kitchen department. We replaced the metal bearing with that, and it works great. We should have just started with that first instead of the MDF wood circle, but since we had the other circle already cut and dowels glued on, we just put the existing one right on top.

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