TeleToyland Marble Maze
The TeleToyland Marble Maze lets you move a maze up, down, right and left to roll a marble. Try getting from the red spot to the yellow spot and vice versa.
The maze doesn't look like a traditional pencil maze because the marble can only roll in four directions (unless it hops off the track :-)). So, we only have blocks where absolutely necessary. Can you tell before trying what the path to the goal will be?
The Marble Maze project provided some inspriation for this project. It's a very well made implementation with a Wii remote control. Nice work, Dan!
The RoboRealm computer vision system has a nice tutorial on how to use a maze like this with a camera to have the computer automatically solve the maze!
Let us know if you have a suggested alternate layout - we can change the maze easily. We may also get a bigger one going if this is fun.